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Writer's pictureChris Knotts

Why Design Thinking is Right for Software Products, AI Features, and Complex Tech Product Development: How to Apply Design Thinking in Software & AI

In this excerpt from our research report on Design Thinking in Software Development and Complex Technology Products, Chris explains his experience and the results of his research on the subject.

"There are four compelling reasons why the design thinking approach is particularly well suited to the needs of AI development and other enterprise technology products/services"
- Chris Knotts, TTS Principal Consultant

  1. The “blank slate” problem: Complex technology products and software products are invisible, based only on logic, and present few initial constraints to help us define our needs and approach. Without any initial constraints, we are staring at a completely white canvas and it can be difficult to begin structured ideation or problem definition, much less solution definition, when the sky’s the limit and we are truly bound only by our own imagination. The most abstract and unconstrained of all is the realm of AI.

  2. AI is uniquely suited to exploiting design thinking’s emphasis on low-fidelity prototyping and idea refinement, because more than any other IT or software product, the end behavior of an AI feature can be easily modeled by simply role-playing between human team members and observing and capturing lessons about how the system should behave because ultimately, more than any other product or technology service, AI features and products are by definition going to be intended to replicate or augment things that ordinarily only a human could do.

  3. Design thinking is a close cousin of agile practices, which are already broadly accepted and adopted. Agile already has some tools and priority focus on the needs of users and customers, but all too often it quickly moves into processes and workflows oriented around the team building a product. Design thinking doubles down on injecting the needs and experiences of users and customers into our development process, in a way that is both very compatible with agile practices but also bolsters the emphasis of the user’s experience so we don’t become anchored in the work process and the product build. It's a huge benefit to understand how to apply design thinking in software & AI.

  4. The challenges of scale: One of the biggest challenges to lightweight, iterative design thinking processes as well as effective lean/agile practices are challenges of scale - management hurdles, complexity hurdles, resistance to change, lack of alignment, leadership buy in etc. Design thinking is explicitly designed to make progress on these challenges in a way that is cheap, efficient, fast and lightweight. Ultimately AI services and products, especially at production scale, will not be effective without the right cultural and technical environments - for example, effective enterprise data management, coupling product design and agile development to finance and budgeting processes, OKRs and metrics, and distributed teams working on products at scale. Design thinking provides a process template and a mindset which can effectively account for, accommodate, and provide work bandwidth to address these needs up front. Being proactive is key to success with these enterprise and at-scale challenges, and design thinking provides us with the tools and practices to do so.

An ethereal illustration of a complex cloud-enabled IT development environment

How to Apply Design Thinking in Software & AI

Design thinking is usually characterized by five distinct phases, and we add a sixth that’s unique to our approach: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, and Scale. Each phase plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges of AI and complex IT product development:

  • Empathize: This initial phase involves gaining an in-depth understanding of the user’s needs, experiences, and challenges. In the context of AI and IT services, this means engaging with end-users and stakeholders to grasp the nuances of their interactions with technology and identifying the gaps that new solutions could fill.

  • Define: Here, the insights gathered during the empathy phase are synthesized into a clear problem statement. This step transforms the abstract challenges of technology development into specific, user-centered problems to be solved, providing a focused direction for the ideation phase.

  • Ideate: With a well-defined problem, the ideation phase encourages the generation of a wide range of solutions. This creative process is particularly valuable in the technology domain, where the potential solutions are as vast as the imagination allows.

  • Prototype: Prototyping in the realm of AI and complex IT involves creating simple, low-fidelity versions of the proposed solutions. This could be as straightforward as role-playing interactions to simulate an AI’s behavior or sketching interfaces for a new software tool. The goal is to bring abstract concepts into a more tangible form for evaluation.

  • Test: The final phase involves testing the prototypes with users, gathering feedback, and iteratively refining the solution. In technology development, this often means iterating on software prototypes, enhancing features based on user feedback, and continuously aligning the solution with user needs.

  • Scale: In addition to the usual five phases of the design thinking approach, application in complex technology projects, and AI projects in particular, require a sixth area of focus to move beyond prototyping and testing into successfully scaling the results of our design process into production.

Application to AI and Complex IT Services

Design thinking’s focus on users and problems, and its iterative approach, is particularly well-suited to the development of AI and IT projects. Software, with its inherent nature as a logical, abstract product, limits us only to our imagination in terms of what it can do. This can make it hard to get our heads around exactly what the business problem or product need is that we need to solve. This is a real challenge for product discovery and requirements definition. Artificial Intelligence puts this challenge on steroids, presenting the ultimate “blank slate” problem. Design thinking provides a structured way to get started – every time – and also ensures that the entire development process remains relentlessly focused on the human user. When the sky is the limit, it’s all too easy to get distracted by the possibilities of what a technology can do, and if we’re not careful the focus can quickly drift away from the user or customer who is always at the root of the problem we need to solve.

Along the way, the emphasis on low-fidelity prototyping and rapid iteration allows for the exploration of AI behaviors and software functionalities in a cost-effective and flexible manner. For AI behaviors in particular, role-playing and lo-fi mockups can easily produce valuable testing data with little or no actual product prototyping. This approach reduces the risk of costly reworks and ensures that the final product is closely tailored to the intended users’ needs.

Furthermore, the collaborative nature of design thinking fosters cross-functional teamwork, bringing together diverse perspectives from developers, designers, business analysts, and end-users. This collaboration is crucial in the development of complex technology solutions, where the integration of different expertise and viewpoints can lead to more comprehensive and effective outcomes.

Synergies Between Design Thinking and Agile Practices

Design thinking and agile methodologies share a common goal: to create solutions that are deeply aligned with user needs while adapting swiftly to changes. This section explores how design thinking not only complements but enhances agile practices, particularly in the context of developing complex technology products like AI services.

Agile Practices: A Brief Overview

Agile methodology emphasizes iterative development, where solutions evolve through collaboration among self-organizing, cross-functional teams. It advocates for adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continual improvement, all with a primary focus on keeping the user’s needs at the forefront.

Integration Points Between Design Thinking and Agile

  • User-Centricity: Both methodologies prioritize understanding and solving for the user’s problems. Design thinking deepens this focus by starting every project with an empathy phase, ensuring that the team fully understands the user’s perspective before defining the problem and ideating solutions.

  • Iterative Processes: Agile’s iterative development cycles resonate with design thinking’s prototyping and testing phases. The synergy here allows teams to explore a broader range of solutions and continuously refine them based on real user feedback, leading to more innovative and user-aligned products.

  • Collaborative and Cross-Functional Teams: Design thinking and agile practices both thrive on the diverse perspectives brought by cross-functional teams. Design thinking’s collaborative workshops and brainstorming sessions complement agile’s team dynamics, fostering creativity and innovative problem-solving.

Enhancing Agile with Design Thinking

While agile practices provide a robust framework for software development and project management, integrating design thinking can amplify its user-centric approach. Design thinking encourages teams to delve deeper into the user experience, challenging assumptions and exploring a wider array of solutions before entering the build phase. This ensures that when agile teams move into their sprints, they are equipped with a thoroughly vetted concept that truly meets user needs.

Moreover, design thinking’s emphasis on low-fidelity prototyping offers a cost-effective way to test hypotheses and functionalities before they are built, which – especially for even the most “beta” of AI features – is an order of magnitude cheaper while still delivering the same quality of feedback and refinement as early stage agile demos of an actual product increment. This dramatically saves time and when technical agile development begins in earnest.

The integration of design thinking into agile environments also helps address some common pitfalls, such as getting too entrenched in the development process and losing sight of the user’s evolving needs. By continually cycling back to the core principles of design thinking, teams can maintain a strong user focus throughout the agile development process.

Low-fidelity Prototyping in AI Development

Low-fidelity prototyping stands out as a pivotal aspect of design thinking, and as we’ve said is especially relevant in the context of AI and complex software products. This approach aligns with the need for flexibility and rapid iteration, allowing teams to explore and test concepts without the heavy investment typically associated with high-fidelity functional prototypes.

The Value of Low-fidelity Prototyping

Low-fidelity prototypes, such as sketches, storyboards, or role-playing exercises, offer a quick and cost-effective method to visualize ideas, test their viability, and above all collect user feedback. In AI development, where the behavior of systems can be unpredictable and user interactions complex, this prototyping becomes an invaluable tool for exploring how an AI should respond in different scenarios.

Role-playing in AI Behavior Simulation

Role-playing exercises, in particular, provide a unique opportunity to simulate AI behavior and interactions. Teams can act out scenarios where one member represents the AI, responding to inputs based on the intended programming logic. This method offers immediate insights into the user experience and highlights potential gaps or issues in the AI’s design before any code is written or data models developed.

Iterative Refinement through Prototyping

The iterative nature of design thinking ensures that feedback from low-fidelity prototyping is quickly incorporated into the development process. Each cycle of prototyping and testing sharpens the focus on user needs and refines the AI feature’s behavior, leading to more effective and user-friendly solutions.

Bridging the Gap to Agile Development

Integrating low-fidelity prototyping within agile development cycles enhances the agility of the team. It allows for rapid exploration of ideas in the early stages of a sprint, ensuring that development efforts are aligned with validated concepts. This integration minimizes the risk of extensive reworks in later stages and accelerates the delivery of solutions that truly meet user expectations.

Design Thinking’s Role in Overcoming Scale Challenges

Implementing design thinking in large-scale projects or organizations presents a unique set of challenges. These can range from managing complex team dynamics to ensuring consistent application of design thinking principles across distributed teams. However, design thinking inherently provides strategies to address these hurdles, making it an effective approach even in expansive enterprise environments.

Management and Complexity Hurdles

  • Large-scale projects often suffer from management and complexity hurdles, such as:

  • Difficulty in maintaining cohesive communication across large, diverse teams.

  • Challenges in aligning multiple project components and ensuring consistent application of design principles.

  • Resistance to change from established processes and systems within the organization.

  • Design thinking offers solutions to these challenges through its emphasis on collaboration, user-centricity, and iterative development. By fostering a culture of empathy and open communication, design thinking encourages teams to stay aligned with user needs and project goals, regardless of project size.

Facilitating Effective Sessions in Large Teams

To effectively apply design thinking in large teams or organizations, consider the following strategies:

  • Break down large groups into smaller, cross-functional teams to maintain the agility and collaborative spirit of design thinking workshops.

  • Use digital collaboration tools to facilitate seamless communication and idea sharing among distributed teams. Our coaches have seen many PI Planning session and design thinking workshops conducted using Mural, Miro, Zoom, online breakout exercises, and follow-up coaching.

  • Establish clear roles and responsibilities within the design thinking process to ensure that every team member can contribute effectively.

Inclusivity and Effectiveness in Distributed Teams

In distributed teams, maintaining inclusivity and effectiveness requires additional consideration. Not only should design thinking sessions to accommodate different time zones and ensure that all team members have the opportunity to participate, but the enterprise design thinking process actually requires many diverse points of view and types of people. Because the essence of design thinking is a focus on the user or customer’s problem before product features, there’s greater emphasis on defining a problem as thoroughly as possible and ideating many possible solutions. The more diversity and inclusivity there is on the team, the more potent this problem-solving capability becomes. Quite simply, more points of view on the team will result in the ability to solve more sophisticated problems, and thus produce more user delight.

A centralized repository of insights, ideas, and prototypes – versioned and maintained much as a high-performing agile team might maintain feature, testing, and infrastructure code – ensures that all team members have access to the latest developments and can build upon each other’s work.

Design Thinking as a Cultural Shift

At its core, design thinking is not just a methodology but a cultural shift that emphasizes user-centricity, collaboration, and continual learning. For large organizations, embedding these values into the corporate culture can lead to a more adaptable, innovative, and resilient enterprise.

Practical Implementation of Design Thinking in Enterprise Settings

The Steps to Design Thinking Implementation

  1. Build Awareness: Begin by introducing the concept of design thinking to the team or organization, highlighting its benefits and the value it brings to project development, especially in complex technology sectors like AI. Utilize workshops, seminars, or case studies to illustrate successful applications of design thinking.

  2. Assemble Cross-Functional Teams: Form teams that include members from various departments such as IT, design, marketing, and customer service. This diversity ensures a range of perspectives is considered in the design thinking process.

  3. Define the Challenge: Clearly articulate the problem you aim to solve. This involves understanding the user’s needs, the business context, and any technological constraints. The challenge should be user-centered, actionable, and inspiring for the team.

  4. Empathize with Users: Engage with users to gather insights into their experiences, needs, and pain points. Techniques include user interviews, observation, empathy mapping, and persona development. This phase is crucial for grounding the project in real user needs.

  5. Ideation: With a deep understanding of user needs, facilitate brainstorming sessions to generate a wide range of ideas. Encourage creativity and defer judgment to foster an open and innovative environment. Tools like mind mapping or SCAMPER can be useful here.

  6. Prototype: Develop low-fidelity prototypes to visualize the ideas. These can range from sketches and storyboards to basic models or role-play scenarios. Prototyping is about bringing ideas to life in a tangible form that can be tested and iterated upon.

  7. Test with Users: Present the prototypes to users to gather feedback. Observe their interactions and listen to their suggestions. This stage is iterative, with insights from testing used to refine the prototypes or generate new ideas as needed.

  8. Iterate and Refine: Use the feedback from testing to make iterative improvements to the solution. This may involve revisiting earlier stages of the process, such as empathizing or ideation, to ensure the solution remains aligned with user needs.

  9. Implement and Scale: Once a solution has been refined through multiple iterations, prepare for broader implementation. Consider the logistical, technological, and organizational changes needed to deploy the solution at scale.

  10. Foster a Design Thinking Culture: Encourage continuous use of design thinking principles beyond specific projects. Embedding design thinking into the organizational culture ensures that it becomes a natural part of problem-solving and innovation processes.

This pathway is a practical approach for teams and organizations to begin integrating design thinking into their project development processes, particularly for those working on AI and complex IT solutions. Each step is designed to ensure that user needs are at the forefront of the development process, leading to more innovative and effective technology solutions.

Data Management

Integrating design thinking into data management involves a user-centric approach to data collection, analysis, and utilization. Key considerations include:

  1. User-Centric Data Collection: Design thinking encourages the collection of data that directly informs user needs and experiences. This might involve qualitative data from user interviews, surveys, or direct observations, alongside traditional quantitative data.

  2. Visualization and Accessibility: Making data accessible and understandable to all team members, regardless of their technical background, is crucial. Utilize data visualization tools and dashboards that allow for easy interpretation and insights.

  3. Iterative Data Usage: Treat data management as an iterative process, where data insights are continuously fed back into the design thinking cycle to refine and validate user needs and solutions.

Budgeting and Finance Alignment

Successfully applying design thinking requires alignment with the organization’s budgeting and finance processes:

  • Flexible Budgeting: Allocate budgets that can accommodate the iterative nature of design thinking projects, allowing for changes as new insights are gained during the empathy, ideation, and prototyping phases.

  • ROI of Design Thinking: Articulate the return on investment of design thinking initiatives in terms of enhanced user satisfaction, market differentiation, and potential revenue increases, to garner support from finance teams.

  • Objectives and Key Results (OKRs): OKRs can be effectively integrated with design thinking to set clear goals and measure outcomes.

  • User-Focused Objectives: Set objectives that are directly related to improving user experiences and solving user problems, as identified during the empathy phase of design thinking.

  • Measurable Key Results: Define key results that can measure the impact of design thinking initiatives on user satisfaction, product usability, and market response.

Team Dynamics and Distributed Work

Design thinking’s collaborative nature has implications for team dynamics and is particularly relevant in distributed work environments:

  • Inclusive Collaboration: Foster an environment where all team members, regardless of their location, feel valued and able to contribute. Utilize digital collaboration tools to ensure effective communication and idea sharing.

  • Cross-Functional Teams: Encourage the formation of teams that include diverse roles and perspectives, facilitating a comprehensive approach to problem-solving that leverages the strengths of each discipline.

  • Building Empathy in Distributed Teams: Develop strategies to build empathy among team members who may not share a physical space, such as virtual team-building activities or shared user research experiences.

By considering these additional aspects, organizations can further enhance their integration of design thinking, ensuring that projects are not only user-centered but also align with broader organizational processes and goals.

Summing Up

The integration of design thinking into the development of AI services, complex IT products, and broader enterprise technology initiatives offers a promising pathway toward more innovative, user-centric solutions. Throughout this paper, we’ve explored the unique challenges inherent in technology product development, particularly the “blank slate” problem that typifies AI and IT projects. We’ve also discussed how design thinking, with its empathetic, iterative, and collaborative approach, provides a structured framework to navigate these challenges effectively.

Key takeaways: The importance of aligning design thinking practices with agile methodologies, leveraging low-fidelity prototyping for rapid iteration, and addressing the scalability and management challenges that come with implementing design thinking at an enterprise level. Furthermore, we’ve highlighted critical considerations for practical implementation, such as data management, budgeting alignment, setting clear OKRs, and fostering productive team dynamics, especially in distributed work environments.

As organizations continue to navigate the complexities of digital transformation and technology innovation, design thinking emerges not just as a methodology but as a cultural shift. It emphasizes the value of understanding and prioritizing user needs, encourages cross-functional collaboration, and promotes an ethos of continual learning and adaptation.

By adopting design thinking principles, enterprise professionals can enhance their product discovery, design, and development processes, leading to solutions that not only meet but exceed user expectations. The journey toward fully integrating design thinking into enterprise settings is ongoing, and each organization’s path will be unique. However, the potential rewards—increased innovation, user satisfaction, and competitive advantage—make this journey well worth undertaking.

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