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Writer's pictureChris Knotts

Transformation Strategy: Technical Debt is Costing You Money

Many transformation initiatives find the need to refactor legacy software and hardware eventually non-negotiable. Thus an important piece of strategy as to how to deal with it. Tech stacks change quickly, systems age, management rushes developers, shortcuts are sometimes taken, and technical debt piles up.

This technical debt has a real dollar cost. It’s an insidious cost that bleeds money in the form of ongoing work that has to be done to keep a rickety system functioning. It’s the surprise outages and bugs and delays that usually aren’t well managed. The risk baked into your system is also insidious, only obvious when something blows up and hits you right between the eyes when you're not expecting it. Again the teams have to work on corrective action. No innovation is happening in parallel to this state.

In recent research by Sonar, an examination of over 200 projects with 12-month life spans yielded some datapoints about what those real dollar costs are. They found that on average, technical debt translates to $306,000 per year for a project with one million lines of code, or 5,000 developer hours needed for remediation.

Of course, technical debt is not purely a function of lines of code. But for simplicity's sake, the Sonar research gives us some numbers we can play with to start to visualize the relationship between technical debt in a software stack and the amount of dollars we are paying - for something! - related to that debt.

Use the slider below to get an idea of what this looks like. Based on Sonar's findings and assuming your organization isn't an outlier, it will help you visualize the relationship between technical debt and real dollar cost.

It’s important to note that technical debt - just like monetary debt - is not an inherently bad thing. It can be leveraged and managed in ways that deliver benefits in your business environment. But it has to be paid down, and it has to be intentional. In monetary terms, you’d never just let debt take on a life of its own without any management strategy. Sadly, when it comes to technical debt, that kind of thing happens all the time.

IT services may be costing you money, including legacy systems, inefficient processes, redundant technology, lack of automation, and poor data management. Mitigating and paying down the technical debt may require IT audits, mapping of process improvement value streams, implementing or refactoring or implementing new parts of your stack, and of course continuous monitoring and improvement through committed, well-governed sprint work that’s dedicated to managing the debt. As ever, the most effective way to manage technical debt is by shifting left and being more proactive about quality, design, test planning etc. as close to the moment of creation as possible. This calls for practices like test-driven development, behavior-driven development, and robust feedback loops and measurement of production behaviors which can be used to inform and improve that front-end work.

Why is managing technical debt important to successful transformation?

Managing technical debt is crucial in the realm of Digital Transformation Strategy as it ensures that organizations address legacy systems effectively, reduce risks, optimize costs, and maintain security protocols while implementing modernization and innovation. These considerations directly inform our business drivers and our strategy definition. By conducting regular risk assessments and prioritizing areas for improvement, companies can avoid potential bottlenecks in scalability and resource allocation. This proactive approach not only fosters operational efficiency but also enhances data governance to meet compliance standards, as well as a host other management benefits.

Integrating cost optimization strategies into technical debt management allows businesses to allocate resources strategically for future investments in technologies and projects, which translates into better management and measurement of the value and ROI of those initiatives using the key metric that ultimately represents the best way to gauge value: financial terms.

Why is technical debt a thing?

A chart showing how management pressure causes projects to be delivered faster but at lower quality

Technical debt is the accumulated cost an organization incurs when expedient solutions are chosen over more sustainable ones, leading to inefficiencies, complexities, and challenges in maintaining legacy software and systems.

This phenomenon of accruing technical debt - without intentional management - can have severe implications in IT modernization endeavors. When outdated systems and software are not upgraded in step with the business context, the organization faces hurdles in adapting to changing technologies and market demands.

Technical debt can hinder data migration processes during system upgrades, impacting the seamless flow and integrity of information. The repercussions extend to software architecture, as quick fixes may compromise the scalability and performance of applications, affecting the overall user experience and operational efficiency. Security protocols also suffer, exposing the organization to vulnerabilities and cyber threats.

System enhancements become challenging as the burden of technical debt grows, making it crucial for companies to invest in infrastructure management to address these underlying issues.

Types of technical debt

Technical debt commonly causes problems across a few categories, including but not limited to: design debt, testing debt, documentation debt, and infrastructure debt, each representing specific areas where lack of attention or shortcuts can accumulate technical challenges and hinder sustained transformation.

  • Design debt relates to shortcuts taken during the initial software development phase, leading to complex and hard-to-maintain code.

  • Testing debt arises when inadequate testing procedures compromise software reliability, often resulting in more bugs and issues later on.

  • Documentation debt refers to incomplete or outdated documentation, making it difficult for new team members to understand the system.

  • Infrastructure debt involves outdated technologies or poor integration, causing inefficiencies in performance.

For each type of debt, you need a corresponding strategy, and the work capacity to execute that strategy.

Causes of technical debt

Causes of technical debt don't usually stem from any sort of malignant intention. They include factors like tight deadlines, inadequate resources, changing requirements, lack of documentation, and prioritizing short-term gains over long-term benefits. In other words, the normal conditions that everybody works in all the time.

However, it's worth pointing out that accumulation of technical debt often arises in IT projects that follow a traditional waterfall approach, where there is limited flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. When development teams are under pressure to deliver quickly, they may take shortcuts or ignore best practices to meet deadlines. This pressure is exacerbated by the types of poor measurement criteria teams are often subject to, such as "estimates becoming deadlines" and long budget cycles that don't accommodate flexibility or changing requirements as part of the work process.

These short-term fixes can lead to long-term consequences, impacting the stability, scalability, and overall quality of the software.

Impact of technical debt on digital transformation

The Impact of Technical Debt on Digital Transformation is significant, as it can impede progress, increase operational costs, introduce security vulnerabilities, and hinder the adoption of new technologies, ultimately jeopardizing the success of transformational change initiatives.

This is especially true when organizations heavily rely on legacy systems and outdated software, which not only slow down innovation but also pose compatibility challenges with modern tools.

Inefficient processes entrenched due to technical debt can lead to bottlenecks, reducing overall efficiency and agility in responding to market dynamics. To overcome such obstacles, organizational readiness to overhaul the existing technology stack becomes crucial, ensuring a seamless transition towards more adaptable and scalable solutions.

How to identify technical debt?

Identifying Technical Debt in your organization involves conducting thorough assessments of IT systems, software applications, and development processes to pinpoint areas of inefficiency, complexity, or outdated technologies that contribute to the accumulation of tech debt.

This assessment process requires an examination of things like system architecture,  interdependencies between components, and identifying any instances of duplicated code or over-engineered solutions. Legacy applications often harbor hidden tech debt, stemming from outdated coding practices or inadequate documentation.

By establishing clear metrics for identifying tech debt, teams can prioritize areas for optimization and streamline development efforts. As with anything transformation-related, data analytics play a crucial role in assessing the impact of technical debt on performance, enabling organizations to make informed decisions regarding refactoring, redesigning, or retiring outdated systems.

How to manage technical debt in digital transformation?

Managing technical debt in digital transformation involves prioritizing and planning debt reduction strategies, implementing automation tools for efficient workflows, regularly reviewing and refactoring codebase, and fostering stakeholder engagement and effective communication to address tech debt effectively.

  • Priority and planning of debt reduction strategies

  • Implementation of automation tools for efficient workflows

  • Regular review and refactoring of codebase

  • Fostering stakeholder engagement and effective communication

Automation plays a crucial role in managing technical debt within a digital transformation context by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring consistent coding standards.

Stakeholder involvement is essential for aligning business objectives with technical upgrades and software maintenance to effectively address accumulated debt.

Iterative improvement processes, coupled with regular IT investments, allow for continual enhancements and adaptations to keep pace with evolving technology landscapes, ensuring long-term sustainability and agility in the digital realm.

Prioritize and Plan

To prioritize and plan technical debt management, organizations need to assess the impact of different tech debt types, allocate resources strategically, set clear objectives, and create a roadmap for addressing debt systematically to ensure long-term digital capabilities and sustainability. This involves conducting analysis to determine the critical tech debt areas that require immediate attention and aligning them with the organization's strategic goals. Once the priorities are identified, resource allocation becomes crucial, ensuring that the right mix of expertise and tools is available to tackle the debt effectively. Work has to be governed well, and translated to consistent sprint capacity or project work to attend to the technical debt.

Creating a structured plan involves outlining timelines, milestones, and key performance indicators to track progress and ensure successful implementation of the technology roadmap and upgrade initiatives. Addressing technical debt requires capacity, a place on the backlog, and dedicated sprint work.

Implement Automation and Tools

Implementing Automation and Tools for technical debt management can streamline repetitive tasks, enhance development efficiency, enforce compliance standards, and reduce manual errors, allowing organizations to address tech debt more effectively and allocate resources optimally.

By leveraging automation, teams can schedule routine tasks like code analysis and security checks, freeing up valuable human resources to focus on more strategic aspects of software development. Integration of these tools into the development process ensures a seamless workflow, where issues related to tech debt are promptly identified and addressed. From a larger perspective, this approach to tech debt management influences software architecture by promoting cleaner code, improved documentation, and better overall system design. Just as unmanaged technical debt introduces risk into your business system, these better practices, over time, build a sort of "technical equity" into your business which yields compounding dividends that benefit the business - mostly greater efficiency, reduced risk, better reliability, and less stress for the teams who work in the system - and that's what you want.

Regularly review and refactor code

Regularly reviewing and refactoring the code base, or at least tending to it in this way, is essential in managing technical debt as it improves code quality, enhances system performance, eliminates redundancy, and aligns software architecture with evolving business needs, ensuring sustainable digital capabilities and efficient operations.

  • By conducting systematic code reviews, developers can catch bugs, identify potential security vulnerabilities, and ensure adherence to coding standards.

  • Refactoring involves restructuring the code without changing its external behavior, making it more readable, maintainable, and scalable.

  • Utilizing automated code review tools such as SonarQube, ESLint, or CodeClimate can streamline the review process and enforce best practices.

  • Adopting methodologies like Agile or DevOps encourages continuous improvement through regular feedback loops, allowing teams to address technical debt incrementally and prevent it from accumulating in software systems.

What are the benefits of managing technical debt in digital transformation? And how much is technical debt costing you?

Managing technical debt in the realm of digital transformation yields numerous benefits such as:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity

  • Reduced risks and costs

  • Improved customer experience

  • Better adaptability and innovation capabilities, aligning organizations with future growth and sustainability

These advantages directly translate into enhanced business performance, as streamlined operations lead to increased business growth and scalability. By effectively managing technical debt, companies can optimize their systems, enabling seamless integration of new technologies for ongoing innovation and competitive edge. Enhanced operational efficiency resulting from addressing technical debt not only optimizes current processes but also paves the way for future technology upgrades and system integration initiatives that support long-term success.

Increased efficiency and productivity

Addressing technical debt leads to Increased Efficiency and Productivity by streamlining workflows, reducing system complexities, optimizing software performance, and empowering teams to focus on innovation and value-adding tasks, driving organizational growth and operational excellence.

This proactive approach not only ensures that the software architecture remains robust and scalable but also paves the way for smoother change initiatives. By strategically managing technical debt, organizations can boost their operational efficiency, foster a culture of continuous improvement, and stay agile in responding to market demands.

Workflow improvements are seen as pivotal in this process, as they enable teams to work more cohesively and with shorter lead times, ultimately enhancing productivity and delivering higher-quality outputs.

Reduced risks and costs

Managing technical debt results in Reduced Risks and Costs by mitigating security vulnerabilities, minimizing operational disruptions, optimizing resource allocation, and aligning IT investments with business objectives, ensuring cost optimization and risk mitigation in digital transformation endeavors.

This proactive approach to technical debt also involves conducting regular risk assessments to identify potential security vulnerabilities and implementing robust security protocols to bolster defenses. By addressing technical debt promptly, organizations can avoid the substantial costs associated with data breaches and compliance violations and a boatload of other ills that are costing you money.

Better adaptability and innovation

Managing technical debt fosters Better Adaptability and Innovation within organizations as it paves the way for agile responses to market changes, fosters a culture of continuous improvement, encourages experimentation, and accelerates the pace of innovation, positioning businesses for sustained growth and competitive advantage.

Reducing technical debt not only streamlines processes but also allows organizations to allocate resources effectively towards strategic innovation strategies and technology upgrades. By prioritizing the reduction of technical debt - through agile or whatever other intelligently-designed management strategy you want to call it - companies can enhance their ability to adapt swiftly, innovate with greater speed, and cultivate a more responsive and resilient business model.

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